July 10, 2014

We've blogged about our love for Jeff Koons' "Split-Rocker" before - we can't get enough of this fascinating combination of two child rockers, one a toy pony and the other a toy dragon. We're super psyched for the new edition of this piece, installed at Rockefeller Center in NYC this summer. Standing at almost 38 feet high and weighing 150 tons, the massive edition of the sculpture will be covered in flowering plants, including begonias, geraniums, and marigolds. Be sure to check it out before September 12, 2014 for both its massive scale and its place in 20th & 21st century pop art, sure to amaze kids and grown-ups.

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The Rockefeller installation coincides with the Whitney's Jeff Koons Retrospective, June 27-October 19, 2014. The first retrospective on the artist, the exhibition acknowledges both the influence and controversy of his long career by examining his diverse body of work from 1978 to present day. Don't miss the special family opening on Saturday, July 19, 2014 from 9:30am-12:00pm.

Visiting "Split-Rocker" or the Koons retrospective at the Whitney? Be sure to tweet and Insta us @kinderMODERN #kMblog