January 30, 2014

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Image from

Paris photographer Eric Maloberti’s (of Malo Photographies) delightful project “Un Jour, Mon Enfant Tu Seras” (“One Day, My Child, You Will Be) explores the limitless potential of infancy and childhood.  Malo photographed his then three-month-old daughter, June, in a variety of costumes, hand-made with the help of his wife, each representing a very grow-up occupation. Malo hopes the project will inspire parents to think about what will make their children truly happy as the grow. He said to The Telegraph, “The idea behind the project is that we do not know what our children will become. One day my oldest son came up to me and said that he wants to be an explorer. My eldest daughter then told me she was going to become an artist. This made me think about what the future really did hold for them."

Be sure to check out Malo’s entire project on his website. We love the tiny, timid matador and the fierce mini-super hero. Which are your favorites? Tweet us @kindermodern
